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०३ बिहिबार, आश्विन २०८१23rd July 2024, 10:09:55 am


‘स्टार्टअप’मा सरकारको प्राथमिकता

पार्क थेयङकाठमाडौँ, १० साउन :मैले प्राकृतिक सुन्दरताले भरिएको नेपालमा गणतन्त्र कोरियाली राजदूतका रूप...

China’s  Media Influence in Nepal and Elsewhere

A recent report published by a Think Tank titled China’s Influence in Nepali Media Amid Aggressive N...

Diplomatic efforts underway to repatriate Nepalis serving in Russian Army: Foreign Minister Rana

KATHMANDU: Foreign Minister Dr. Arzu Rana has revealed ongoing diplomatic efforts aimed at repatriat...

Happy Korean Children

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has factories which exclusively produce school things and ...

The child in us!

Madhu Khare, Virginia, USA : :A child resides in all human beings,No matter how much we pretend.To ...

Government Wasting Money In Korea

Monday, 22 July 2024,Press Release: NZ DPRK SocietyLast month, Defence Minister Judith Collins and F...

इजरायलमा २ हजार जना श्रमिक पठाउने सहमति

श्रम, रोजगार तथा सामाजिक सुरक्षा मन्त्री शरतसिंह भण्डारी र नेपालस्थित इजरायली राजदूत हनान गोडर गोल्ड...

परराष्ट्रमन्त्री राणासँग  चिनियाँ राजदूत सङको ​शिष्टाचार भेट

नेपालका लागि चिनियाँ राजदूत चेन सङले परराष्ट्रमन्त्री आरजु राणा देउवासँग ​शिष्टाचार भेट गरेका छन् । ...

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अमेरिका र नेपाल-उज्जल भविष्यको निर्माण गर्दै

यस वर्ष संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका र नेपालले आफूहरूबीच दौत्य सम्बन्ध स्थापना भएको ७७ वर्ष मनाएका छन् । सन...

भारतलाई खुशी बनाउदा भारू खोस्टो भयो

भारतकै अनुमतिमा राष्ट्र बैंकमा भारू थुप्रिएको थियो । भारतको हजार र ५ सयको नोट खारेजीमा पर्दा नेपालले...

KIM IL SUNG is Immortal

In the Memory of President KIM IL SUNG:Peerlessly Great Leader President KIM IL SUNG is ImmortalI am...

Kim Il Sung
the benevolent father of the people

Kim Il Sung, the eternal President of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, was the benevolent ...

The great leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il will always be with us.

The Korean people and the progressive people the world over celebrated the centenary of the birth of...

Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences and ICIMOD partner to advance mountain agriculture

Kathmandu, Nepal – 4 July 2024 - China’s Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences (YAAS), b...

Senator Mushahid Hussain praises China for leading 'alternative global order

Senator attends event commemorating 70 years of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in China...


THE REAL ‘DEEP STATE’Lobbying firms have disguised their influence so well that it’s often barely vi...

नेपाल र चीन परामर्श संयन्त्रको १६औँ बैठक सम्पन्न

ब्याजदरमा कुरा नमिलेर बीआरआई आयोजनाबारे सहमति हुननसकेको नेपाल र चीनका परराष्ट्र मन्त्रालयबीचको कूटनी...

Xi calls for promoting common prosperity in ethnic areas

President Xi Jinping has called for sustained efforts to promote high-quality development and common...

बीआरआई कार्यान्वयन फेरि असफल

काठमाडौं । २०१७ मा हस्ताक्षर भएको चीनको बीआरआई कार्यान्वयन दस्तावेजमा हस्ताक्षर गर्न आएको चीनको उपवि...

ICIMOD Activities

join us online this Friday at London Climate Action WeekAs part of London Climate Action Week’s #Bea...

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