Domestic violence is an acute problem in modern Hindu society.
Every year hundred and thousands of young girls and women of all ages become victims of domestic violence in the hands of their husbands, brothers, close relatives, in-laws and even parents.
The Wikipedia quotes a report published in 2009 in a British journal, Lancet to cite the extent of domestic violence in India, according to which over 100000 women were killed in India in a single year alone, which were not accidental in nature but arising from domestic violence alone.
Judging by the way things work in the country, this may not be an accurate figure at all and the number of women dying due to domestic violence may be even higher.
Most of the domestic violence in Hindu families happen in the form of wife beating, bride burnings, acid throwing, eve-teasing, mental and physical harassment, dowry deaths, enforced slavery, verbal abuse malnourishment, neglect, women trafficking, forced marriages rapes, property related homicides and solitary confinement.
Milions of women go through numerous hardships in India as victims of various forms of violence.
A number of such incidents also go unnoticed, due to fear, social and domestic pressure and the apathy and inefficiency of the law enforcement machinery who aggravate the situation often by colluding with the aggressors and harassing the victims further.
Death of women due to systematic discrimination against them is an acute problem India, which has one of the highest incidences of gender related abortions and girl child mortality so much so that the sex ratio in the country has fallen considerably in the last few decades by 20% to 30% in some states.
Domestic violence in Hindu families is not confined to India alone.
It seems to be a cultural problem because it exists in some Hindu families outside Indian also in countries such as UK, USA, South Africa, Canada and Australia.
Violence has become a way of life , with wives and women generally !!!
Many politicians in India have criminal background or criminal cases pending against them for rapes, violence and murders.
Suggestions for Further Reading
- God and Self in Hinduism
- Goddesses of Hinduism, Their Symbolism and Significance
- Purusharthas in Hinduism
- The History, Antiquity and Chronology of Hinduism
- Hinduism and Divorce
- Hinduism and Adultery
- Good and Evil in Hinduism
- The Hindu Marriage, Past and Present
- What is Maya in Hinduism?
- The Origin and Definition of Hindu
- Hinduism and Polygamy
- Hinduism and polytheism
- Hinduism and Premarital Relationships
- Religious Tolerance in Hinduism
- Violence and Abuse in Hinduism
- Traditional Status of Women in Hinduism
- Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali
- Perspectives on What Karma Means
- Hinduism - The Role of Shakti in Creation
- Hindu God Lord Shiva (Siva) - the Destroyer
- Hinduism - Gods and Goddess in the Vedas
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