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२३ बुधबार, माघ २०८१23rd July 2024, 10:09:55 am

Country Seen through Youth

१२ शुक्रबार , पौष २०८१एक महिना अगाडि

Country Seen through Youth

As the future of a country and nation depends on the role of young people, the youth problem cannot but be a matter of major concern in any country. In this context, the experience of the DPRK perfectly settling the youth problem draws international attention.
The DPRK pays close attention to the education of young people.
The country has an organization embracing all young people. Its name is the Socialist Patriotic Youth League and its basic task is to imbue them with beautiful ideals and ennobling spiritual world.
Young Koreans of the preceding generations displayed matchless heroism in the revolutionary struggle to liberate their country from the Japanese imperialists’ military occupation (1905-1945) and in the Korean war (1950-1953) ignited by the US. They built a powerful socialist country from the debris of the war. Their admirable history of struggle now serves as a good example for the Korean youth. It was their ideal to build a society where the working people are equally well-off, and it was their mental world that they are not afraid of any trials and difficulties in the way of realizing the ideal. 
Youth organizations at all levels in this country attach great significance to the meeting with people of preceding generations, and reading sessions and film shows on their real story of struggle. Local media give wide publicity to exemplary young people.
Those who have performed feats in the posts for national defence and major sectors of socialist construction, young scientists who have made remarkable achievements in pushing back the frontiers of science and sportspersons who have exalted the honour of the country also win admiration of the young population.
The country also attaches importance to encouraging young people to perform honourable feats by devoting their youthful vigour and enthusiasm in the stirring reality and to preparing them to be masters of the future.
In May 2024, a new street with thousands of flats was inaugurated in the country. It was built by young volunteers from all parts of the country. In recognition of their feats, the Workers’ Party of Korea and the government named it Jonwi Street.

Jonwi Street built in the capital city of Pyongyang by the Korean youthHe pays close attention to train the young 
people to be pillars of the future

According to local media, through the construction of the street, the young builders performed world-startling labour feats by creating the civilization set by the Party and the government as a standard and desired by the people, and experienced and learned a lot of things and cultivated the ability to overcome difficulties and obstacles.
When the northwestern part of Korea was hit by unexpected flood in late July last year, they volunteered for the rehabilitation of the afflicted areas and turned them into modern “cultured rural towns” in a few months.
Kim Jong Un, president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, met the young people who performed labour feats in the street construction project, and encouraged them to do great things for the prosperity and development of the country. This is an example which shows that he pays close attention to training the Korean youth to be pillars of the future.