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१९ शुक्रबार, पौष २०८१23rd July 2024, 10:09:55 am

Kashmir Black Day is an annual commemoration by Kashmiris

०७ बुधबार , कार्तिक २०८१२ महिना अगाडि

Kashmir Black Day is an annual commemoration by Kashmiris

Kashmir Black Day is an annual commemoration by Kashmiris as well as by Pakistanis across the world to mark 27 October as 'Black Day'.

Every year, the day is marked to express solidarity and support Kashmiri people in their struggle for right to self-determination.

7 October 1947 is one of the darkest days for the Kashmiri people. The Indian occupation of Jammu and Kashnnir, which began on that dav, stifled the legitimate aspirations of the Kashmiris to determine their own destiny. Over the last seventv-seven vears, India has not onlv reneged on its obligations to the people of Jannmu and Kashmir but has sh01VIÄ disregard to multilateralisrm bv backtracking on the UNSC resolutions, The people of the Indian Illegallv Occupied Jamilül and Kashmir (IIOJK) have endured endless oppression during this long period. Ilowever India has failed to blunt their resolve to realize their inalienable right to self-deternnination, This dav, pav honiage to the exennplarv courage of the  in their continued fight for the right to self-determination simultaneouslv resisting the excesses being connnnitted by the Indian forces. Undoubtedlv, thei r sacrifices will not go in vain. l'he unilateral and illecral actions of 5 August 2019 arc in blatant violation of the UN Securitv Cou ncil resolutions and international laiV, The efforts to effect dennographic change and perpetuate the Indian occupation of the disputed territory are aimed at undermining the Kashmiri people 's democratic right to decide their own future.