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०६ मंगलबार, कार्तिक २०८१23rd July 2024, 10:09:55 am

Stopping the Israeli Insanity in Gaza and Lebanon is Overdue:

२० आइतबार , आश्विन २०८११७ दिन अगाडि

Stopping the Israeli Insanity in Gaza and Lebanon is Overdue:

[Michigan, October 5, 2024]

The American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA) is deeply concerned with the outrageous continued Israeli killing and targeting innocent civilians in Gaza and Lebanon. This Israeli insanity must be stopped.


For almost a year, Israel has managed to willfully and callously ignore and disregard all norms and laws that govern war. The entire world recognizes this fact and fails to stop the Israeli insanity and its ongoing crimes against humanity. This unchecked insanity has made a mockery of all claimed human rights principles and values.

More than one million Lebanese have been displaced in their own homeland adding another humanitarian crisis in the region. The carnage in Gaza has been extended to Lebanon. There are no brakes on the Israeli killing machine.

The most distressing fact is that this carnage is enabled by the unlimited support of the Biden administration. We have seen nothing but hypocrisy, double standards and recycled empty words of sympathy from the Biden administration. Billions of dollars and loads of munitions continue to be sent to Israel.

The recent killing of American citizen and Dearborn resident Mr. Kamel Jawad has made this carnage more personal to many Arab and Muslim Americans. American citizens are stuck in Lebanon in what Israel has turned into a killing zone. There is no safe area in Lebanon. Under the pretext of targeting Hezbollah, Israel will bomb anywhere in Lebanon. Lebanon was never this dangerous before.

AHRC has been actively engaged with a number of American families who are stuck in Lebanon afraid for their safety and are desperate for assistance. AHRC demands that the Biden Administration execute immediate plans for safe evacuation of all American citizens and Green Card holders. The safety and the wellbeing of Americans of all backgrounds should be a top priority for Mr. Biden. Americans of Arab descent should not be the exception.

“Every time we think it can’t get worse, it does,” said Imad Hamad, AHRC Executive Director. “As if the carnage in Gaza was not enough, the Israeli killing and destruction has spread to Lebanon,” added Hamad. “We are astounded by the ability of Israel to inflict this much harm without being held accountable and we are greatly disappointed by America’s moral and political failures in the region,” concluded Hamad.


AHRC “Spirit of Humanity” Awards and Dinner Gala Friday, October18, 2024:

The American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA) is gearing its efforts planning “Spirit of Humanity” Awards and Dinner Gala that will be held on Friday, October 18, 2024, in Dearborn.

The Gala is AHRC’s signature program and prime event of the year to celebrate human rights and the culture of human rights.


Please visit ( for the Gala’s information and join us today. Your support is needed and appreciated. Become a human rights defender and protector and join the gala.


AHRC Mission:

The American Human Rights Council (AHRC) is dedicated to defending and protecting human rights as outlined in the U.S. Constitution and the United Nations 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The AHRC was formed to protect these rights and advocate for anyone whose rights are being violated or denied. To that end, the AHRC will build a tenacious, objective, and carefully guided advocacy program that will serve to defend individual human rights, whenever and wherever they are being infringed upon. NGO in Consultative Status with the Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC)-United Nations

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NGO in Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations