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१० शनिबार, कार्तिक २०८१23rd July 2024, 10:09:55 am

Greater Nepal campaign begins

२६ शुक्रबार , जेठ २०८०एक बर्ष अगाडि

N. P. Upadhyaya (Aryal)
Biratnagar: The Himalayan insult and the humiliation that it was of Nepal’s Prime Minister P. K. Dahal during his fresh India visit will go a long way in the annals of “unequal” Nepal-India bilateral ties.

The slur and the mortification right began in earnest from the airport wherein a “lady minister of inferior rank” greeted PM Dahal befitting to his stature as Dahal had lived in India for well over a decade under the care and protection of the BJP’s ( RAW Division) Indian regime.
And a few street dancers in a weird manner greeted Nepal PM Dahal.
So PM Dahal was taken more as an Indian hand than officially what he was the Nepal Prime Minister.
In fact he is himself taken as India’s brainchild if one were to recall PM Dahal’s NOIDA, Delhi days of the fake and India designed Maoists People’s War.

Dahal was groomed and nourished by the RAW agency and exported to Nepal to get Indian interests served. So PM Dahal has an obligation to serve India’s prime interests as others who have been elevated by India aafter the 2006 so called India manufactured revolution that it was.
Thus India is Nepal’s nearest traditional enemy so to say.
However, the Indian agents in Nepal oppose this theory which is only but natural.
Nepal’s glory touched a new low when a beaming Nepal Prime Minister posed for a photograph with PM Modi with the “map of imaginary Undivided India in the background of the newly inaugurated Parliament building, May 28, 2023.
India won the battle without firing a single bullet.

The wall-Mural includes Nepal’s Lumbini and Kapilvastu as if these two places were inside the Indian territories.
At no point of time in the memory of academicians, intellectuals and historians here in South Asia, the existence of “Akhanda Bharat” can’t be traced and it could not be traced as it never ever existed in real sense of the term as incorrectly defined and propagated by an India whose official name itself was coined by the Colonizer as India aka Hindustan aka Bharat.
A country that has three names in series is in itself a matter of terrible joke indeed.
Nepal PM felt elated as he posed for a photograph with PM Modi with the incorrect and imaginary map.
PM Dahal may have felt that his PM Post back in Nepal is thus guaranteed.

Instead of protesting for the inaccurate Indian mural map that distorts the history but also purposely includes Nepali territories and India in doing so signals Nepali rulers that “since you all are our stooges a la Lendhup Dorje(s) or say servants and that you have to bear with such recurring insults that you the slaves deserve”.
The climax of the anti-national act that the Nepal PM did was his floating of the bizarre idea that “instead of Nepal’s sovereign land in Kalapani, Limpiyadhura and Lipulekh” currently under Indian occupation could be at best settled by agreeing to a exchange in land in Eastern Nepal that adjoins India’s Chicken neck.
The idea thus floated by PM Dahal speaks two things: first, PM Dahal is out and out India’s man.
Secondly, PM Dahal was taken by PM Modi as his own “guy” in Nepal who could swap over Kalapani with a small strip in the Eastern border which may allow Nepal’s access to B’desh for trading purposes.
Notably, the “Fulwari route” to B’desh has already been provided by India to Nepal in the mid nineties so the entire “exchange” scheme is fishy one. I have myself witnessed the ceremony in Kakarvitta in the mid nineties along with the Indian envoy (K. V. Rajan) and the B’deshi Ambassadors ( Mohiuddin Ahmed) who were also present on the occasion.
Kamal Thapa-the then Foreign Minister of Nepal too had graced the occasion.
Remarkably, proponents of this barter idea are Lady Sujata Koirala, PM Dahal and an internationally acclaimed border expert.
He recently while talking to a local interview stressed the swap over scheme as floated first by India.
The whole exchange idea gives an inkling to the fact as to the men heavily influenced by the India’s exchange idea and that they might be working for India under some financial gains.
And China and Pakistani diplomats take these Indian hands as their men. This is a terrible joke.
Nepali bottom line is and should be: Kalapani, Limpiyadhura and Lipulekh are Nepali lands and that India must exit from these areas unconditionally.
They are speaking the Indian voice indeed. Must not be a free affair?
PM Dahal thus floating this switch over idea has only substantiated that he was made to serve India and is thus commited to act for India till the last breath, at least this much could be guessed easily.
In the process, the men working for India or say the posted and paid agents of India too have come to the open. The masked faces have been unmasked.
Some are visible and some acting with masks. But this scribe with five decades in the profession knows the entire Jay Chands and Mirjaffors coincidently.
Nepal’s complete silence and Pakistan’s rebuttal:

While Nepal tentatively remained silent over the Wall mural issue that has included Nepal’s Lumbini and Kapilvastu, neighboring Pakistan even if the country was reeling under intense political instability for quite some time but yet has rebuked India for having issued a fake map that has included some territories of present day Pakistan.

Even India’s satellite Bangladesh too has expressed its reservations on the Wall Mural of India.

The Pakistani rebuttal says in part, “We are appalled by the statements made by some BJP politicians including a Union Minister, linking the mural with Akhand Bharat (unified greater India). The gratuitous assertion of Akahnd Bharat is a manifestation of a “revisionist” and expansionist’s mindset that seek to subjugate the identity and culture of not only India’s neighboring countries but also its religious minorities”.

The Express Tribune dated June 3, 2023, comments on this mural saying it “is nothing but an extension of chauvinism. Perhaps, the BJP caters to the Nazism theory of Lebensraum, and itself is a threat to others.” The Nation, dated June 3, on the other points out, “Already, there have been countless reports on the various ways in which the Indian state is not only repressive towards its minorities, but also pursues its agenda against Pakistan through Kashmir… [but] no significant action is taken against the country”.

Purposely the Nepali Foreign minister N. P. Saud, with excessive India bend presumably, when asked by a reporter in Delhi on the Mural says, “we haven’t heard of such a mural and that we did not talk on the issue of Mural”.
Saud was present in Delhi along with PM Dahal.

Saud appears to be the most “insensitive” man in Nepal who has no idea of foreign policy conducts.

Saud’s statement does tell that he is likely to succeed Gagan Thapa sooner than later as Mr. Saud by shielding India has become the Indian choice henceforth. India has a new horse in Kathmandu’s politics.

Saud is the preferred NC leader for Delhi, it could be guessed.

The events that India designed in Nepal:

The Delhi based Nepal’s “de jure” administrator, Binaya Mohan Quatra, had landed in Kathmandu on February 13, 2023.Nepal isn’t sovereign but is an India controlled province.
He stayed hardly for even a full day but accomplished the Himalayan tasks for which he had intentionally come.
His coming itself was inauspicious as he landed on unlucky 13th February.
Look the ugly conjecture.
It proved unfortunate; we will come to it later.
The Master of Nepali leaders and by extension of entire sovereign Nepal, the Indian Foreign Secretary Quatra left for Delhi and a miracle happened back in Nepali Congress quarters.
He had already tamed Nepal during his stay in Kathmandu as India’s Ambassador.
Nepal’s senior leaders were seen loitering around this Indian national who almost behaved as Nepali King after the removal of real King of Nepal and that too under Indian design.

Needless to say, India purposefully ousted Nepal King Gyanendra and posted its presumed agents.
As the politics went by the overnight between his stay in Kathmandu and the departure to Delhi, let’s recall at the time of the arrival of Indian FS Quatra, the Nepali Congress party was yet to publicize/finalise the name of its candidate for the Nepal President to contest the approaching Presidential elections.

And to the surprise of many an intelligent brains who were somewhat critical to Indian attitude towards Nepal since all along Indian independence in 1947, the NC party beamingly declared the name of the candidate for the post of Nepal President.
Why India chose Poudel for Nepal President:

From the very beginning of the days of ratification of the Mahakali River Treaty, India favored R. C. Poudel and believed that Poudel could be the best “Horse” to ratify the Mahakali River Treaty from the Parliament as Mr. Poudel was the Speaker of Nepal’s lower house then.

His own party men claim that Poudel was from the very beginning India bend political man.

He proved himself to be one in the later paragraphs.

It was this “million dollar favor” to India made then by Speaker Poudel that the expansionist India-the enemy neighbor that it is, preferred to award the same Ram Chandra Poudel with the Nepal Presidential post.

India wanted to have a pro-Indian persona to get the Indian interests served.

Poudel was made the Nepal President for two special political reasons.

The first being to release the Tikapur holocaust murder-convict Resham Choudhary from Nepali prison that he very freshly accomplished amidst scathing criticisms across the country.

Resham Choudhary was released as per the amnesty granted by Nepal President on Republic Day celebrations.
However, one doesn’t know which Republic day celebrations the establishment camp mean?

For the average Nepali nationals, the so called Republican Order is just a farce and that it meant only for the upper echelons of the India elevated Nepali leaders who were acting proxy to Indian establishment.

So the first job was to let loose Resham Choudhary from imprisonment which he did as per the instructions and the dictates of the Indian regime.
The second task for which Poudel was made the Indian choice was to approve the pending Citizenship Bill at the Parliament.
President Poudel gave his Presidential sanction or say approval to the Citizenship bill that was put on hold by the previous Nepal President Mrs. Bhandari.

The approval day coincided with PM Dahal’s departure to Delhi.
Most strikingly, President Poudel accomplished two Indian tasks as against Nepal’s prime interests.

By releasing a murder-convict President Poudel mocked the prevalence of Judiciary and by approving the pending Citizenship bill; President Poudel has hastened the speed of Nepal’s Sikkimisation.

Needless to say, India wants to swallow Nepal well within 2030 and the Nepal President has assisted Indian regime to accomplish the task well within the presumed and the publicized time frame.

The release of Resham Choudhary and approval of the pending Citizenship bill has just come close on the heels of President Poudel spending a few days right in Delhi-Nepal’s political Mecca.

He was airlifted recently by the Indian regime.

It is presumed that President Poudel was lured and seduced by India during his sojourn in Delhi and told in no uncertain terms that “you have to release Choudhary and approve the citizenship bill for which you were elevated”.

Manisha Koirala, an Indian actress has said that she was reminded of Lendhup Dorje when President Poudel approved the controversial Citizenship bill close on the heels of PM Dahal’s visit to India.

Ms. Koirala is the grand daughter of late B. P. Koirala-Nepal’s former Prime Minister.

And the fact is that Poudel was the Indian choice only to accomplish these two tasks which Poudel as Nepal President obeyed.

The two prime Indian tasks that President Poudel accomplished will have profound ramifications on the functioning of Nepal’s judicial system and also on Nepal’s demographic pattern.

Illegal Indian immigrants are likely to swell Nepal soon.

However, we are not against citizenship certificates being awarded to genuine Nepali Citizens across the length and breadth of the country.

Some friends in Biratnagar told this scribe that President Poudel almost acted like what Sikkim’s Lendhup Dorje did by assisting Madame Indira Gandhi at time of annexation of Sikkim by the Indian regime as back as in the mid seventies.

Traitor Dorje died later an unsung death.

Most unfortunately, Nepal’s sitting Prime Minister P. K. Dahal was in Delhi for a four days visit.

PM Dahal is taken as Delhi’s man exported to Nepal to control the administrative and political centers of the former sovereign Hindu Kingdom.

Dahal did all he could to “please India”.

PM Dahal brought two water Buffalo as a precocious Indian gift for Nepal and that was his achievement.

How Nepali sovereignty and integrity PM Dahal compromised while being in Delhi, will come to the open later.
The most terrible is the idea of exchange of Western territories with that of a small strip of corridor in the east to trade with B’desh.

However, the fact is that India shall never allow the Chicken neck that almost adjoins Bhutan and China as it is this “ Chicken neck” if and when awarded to Nepal shall threaten Indian security interests.

So the idea of exchange of this “neck” to Nepal is just to keep Nepal in illusion that “Indian benevolence is on the way”.

The fact is that this neck is awarded to Nepal, Bhutan and China shall double their efforts in teasing an poking India for their own political considerations.

Take it for granted and since India is scared of China round the clock so it would be a self defeating exercise to conclude that India for Nepal will risk its own Himalayan security.

Thus the idea of the exchange of lands is just a sweet ploy to keep Nepal in a good mood.

Unless an intense demonstrations against expansionist India is not held across Nepal, India will not return Nepali land which are under Indian forced occupation at the moment.

A recognized Thud could be trusted but not the Indian nationals controlling the bureaucracy.

Notably, Dahal was groomed and kept under high protection by the Indian regime for over a decade and at an appropriate moment sent to Nepal to dismantle the country’s functioning monarchy.

With monarchy gone, Indian intervention in Nepali affairs intensified.

Nepal’s monarchy had always saved this country from India’s continued onslaughts.

Nepal Prime Minister Dahal has just landed in Delhi at a time when Indian Prime Minister Modi through a mural painting included some of Nepal’s territories in a map called the Undivided Bharat which never ever existed in the history.

Instead Nepal existed in the world map even at time of celebrated Mahabharata.

There was no India or Bharat at time of Mahabharata.
To recall, India is the name coined by the British East India Company.

As against the insult to Nepal initiated by PM Modi while inaugurating the New Indian Parliament building in Delhi, the nationalist Nepali population across the country has been forcefully suggesting Nepal government to paste the map of “Greater Nepal” inside the Nepali Parliament.

The official Map of Greater Nepal could be seen in the social media. If India dares to misbehave and tease Nepal then we too have the right to retaliate in our own manner.

Map of ‘Greater Nepal’ should be our new map henceforth. Kathmandu Metropolitan Mayor Balendra Sah has initiated this campaign in earnest. That’s all.

@ telegraphnepal