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११ आइतबार, कार्तिक २०८१23rd July 2024, 10:09:55 am

Is the dark side of communism the Nepali way?

१६ सोमबार , माघ २०७९२ बर्ष अगाडि

Rajan Karki--
The standard set in 1885 by Karl Marx with regard to communism is  “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” .
Whenever we come across socialism in our politics or political science, we also see some great names along with it. Famous scholars, philosophers and thinkers like Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Frederick Engels and more have contributed to theories about socialism and communism. Their contributions are also important for a holistic understanding of political theories especially those of socialist leanings.
Socialism is a theory often credited to Karl Marx, in which all human beings live in a classless and stateless society, where there would be abolition of private property. The theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: “Abolition of private property.”
Che Guevara says : “For us, there is no valid definition of socialism other than the abolition of the exploitation of one human being by another.”
Mao Zedong Thought  by the Chinese Communist Party, is a variety of Marxism–Leninism that Mao Zedong developed for realising a socialist revolution in the agricultural, pre-industrial society of the Republic of China and later the People’s Republic .
Nepal, the land of brave sons of Gurkhas, are now looked pale as if they have lost their parentage, as if they have no ideal fellow to provide guidance for their pursue their bright future. Nepali congress is a party loyal to Gandhi of India whereas the communists follow Mao and Lenin. The ideal figures of both are outsiders. They know who is the builder of nation Nepal but they are obliged to greet their mentors not the real hero of the nation.
There is no dearth of political leaders as well as parties carrying the banner of Marxim, Maoism, Leninism. The Nepal communist league, founded in 1946 is now disappeared. Nepal communist party was established by comrade Puspa Lal, in September 15, 1949. This party has broken into more than 51 fringe parties namely UML, MC, National Front, NCP ML, Nepal Labour and Peasants’ Party, Nepal United Socialist Party and all are faithful to parliamentarism.
KP Oli, Prachanda, MK Nepal, Chitra Bahadur KC, Narayanman Bijukche, CP Mainali, all are veterans of their lineage. Minor parties comprising- NCP-Revolutionary of Mohan Baidhya, NCP Rishiram Kattel, NCP-Socialist of Vishnuraj Aryal, NCP-Biplav, NCP Masal- Mohan Bikram Singh, Maoist Centre-Gopal Kirati, Patriotic Peopls’s Republican Front, NCP- United Chandra Dev Joshi, Scientific Socialist Communist Party Nepal of Bishwo Bhakta Dulal. Besides these, there are communist parties led by Amatya, Verma, Manandhar etc.
India, Influenced by Russian reared communism also in Nepal. All the communist parties have similar objectives of protecting the right and interest of people, labouring mass, farmers, women, oppressed and the marginalized community. The communist ideology of Nepal is formed in the sum total of : communism, Marxism-Leninism, People’s Multiparty Democracy, Democratic centralism, Secularism, Federalism.
Nepali Congress is a leading Democratic Party. It believes on the matter that the Party was founded on the principle of democracy and socialism. In 1956, the party adopted democratic socialism as its ideology for socio-economic transformation. Its foreign policy orientation was to non-alignment. The politics of Nepali Congress is dominated by India. Nepal’s democratic multiparty system was first established in 1990 following a people’s movement against the 30-year-old partyless Panchayat system. But the country’s political crisis worsened with constant feuds between the democratic parties and especially with the start of the Maoist armed rebellion in 1996. Maoist rebellion distributed the great hope of correcting the overall mechanism. They boast of bringing protetarian state power with equality founded on nationality. Driven by this quest, the maoist revolt was burst opened in 13 February 1996 and lasted till Nov. 21, 2006.
On 22 November 2005, Prachanda and the Seven Party Alliance released a ‘twelve-point agreement’ that expressed areas of agreement between the CPN(M) and the parties. The followings were the signatories of Delhi Agreements- – Nepali Congress President Girija Prasad Koirala, NCP (UML) General Secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal, Nepali Congress (Democratic) President Gopal Man Shrestha, Janamorcha Nepal Chairperson Amik Sherchan, Nepal Sadbhavana Party (Anandi Devi) Vice Chairperson Bharat Bimal Yadav, Samyukta Bammorcha Chairperson Krishna Das Shrestha and Nepal Majdoor Kisaan Party Member Prem Suwal.
For fifteen years thereafter, the communists are enjoying in the state powers of Nepal.
The parties and the leaders which were in 1990 are the same even today. No change has been seen in the parties and leadership quality in the past 32 years period. Likewise, the possibility also of a representative party is  thin. No party or leader found competent to satisfy the wants of people. Democracy was a flower for life but they called it a gold which neither blooms nor throws any  fragrance. They could not demonstrate what for the republic was launched ¿ Thus, the maoist wasted the People’s war and the UML misused the communism. No real renaissance is likely to be accomplished soon in Nepal. There are no communists in Nepal, says Dr.Surendra KC, Professor of History.
People made disappear, killed, dismembered and cheated during the People’s War (10 years 9 months 5 days), are now  crying for justice.
Therefore, the question is raised- Is the dark side of communism the Nepali way?
Communists of Nepal claim themselves the followers of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist-principle and thought. Ideologically, they carry the faith (sentiment) of communism-Marxim-Leninism-People’s Multiparty Democracy- Democratic centralism-secularism-Fedralism-Factions: Marxims-Leninism-Maoism-prachanda path etc. Even after the 15 years of the latest change Nepal and Nepali are deprived of Peace, Land and Bread, as Lenin the great had said in 1917, more than 100 years ago. The question may rise wh?
Is communism the same as socialis?
Communism and socialism are political and economic systems that share certain beliefs, including greater equality in the distribution of income. One way communism differs from socialism is that it calls for the transfer of power to the working class by revolutionary rather than gradual means.
In Nepal, the communist Socialism has become a tool of cheating the poor people. From the time of initiating peoples war in 1996 to date, there are different brands of communists seen in the stage and cheating the people in different pretext continuously. They are playing over the un-successes of democratic parties and elevating themselves into bourgeoisie life style. Neo- bourgeoisie classes have been born from within the communists circle. From the last 15 years Nepali politics is rotating around the maoist and UML parties. At the time of introducing constitution and organizing election by the Congress, Communists have high hands in most of the affairs. It is evident that the two third majority is sure if they united. But their unity is found frustrated because of pecuniary biases. Their unity and breaking of is like a change in seasons. When unity between Maoist and UML broken, the Congress wins the game. People had to advise them to remain in opposition. The supreme court issued an order of mandamus in favour of Congress to elect Sher Bahadur the Prime Minister of Nepal. Today, the rivalry between Maoist and UML has reached in extreme because of which the constitutional bodies and law courts are lamenting in the street without rhyme or reason.
The same leaders and the parties are working from the last 32 years but none have been able to provide the people the bread and butter rather becoming themselves richer and richer. Communism ruled most of the time in 15 years period but could not give any reward to the people. One thing they found in their leadership is that the communists are the richer most classes among the politicians. That can be witnessed in the luxurious life they enjoyed.
People are compelled to go abroad, live on remittance and foreign aids. Nepal government can not spent even in basic services and infrastructure building. The Communists and some Socialists are living the life of a billionair?
It is quite right to say that the leaders have made a corruption-pond into which the most dark picture of the communism could be seen reflected. The state power is centralized in the hands of government officials who exercise prerogatives. They are mobilized by the net of corrupts. Taxes collected from the people are misappropriated mostly by the  Communists. Party president, their families can be found indulged in committing the severe economic crimes.
When some members of political class accumulate excessive money and power they can use that in the venture they like most, They use that for their prosperity and passing life in luxury. More heinously they may use such property as a shield to escape from accountability and for gaining never ending power and suppress the voices of the voiceless.
Democracy is a system in which many things can be regulated. Anyone who discards the heinous side of Communism have not given due notice to the practical side of some of the governments of the world. We see horrifying picture of Communism in China clearly where the supreme power lies in the hand of an individual that controls all the activities of people. If so,  is the case, is there any relation between the dark side of Communism and real Socialism?
It is communism’s attack against true Socialism and erosion of Socialist values in many respects. Communism provides vantage ground only a few whereas the Socialism many. This is proved by the past 30 years history of Nepal. Certainly, the Chinese way of Communism is not the Nepali way of Communism. Likewise, Nepal should not copy the India’s so-called Hindu fundamentalists, and expansive regional imperialisms’ way nor Nepali way is the way of American capitalism, too.
Rather, Nepal should choose the proper way on her own. What could be such a Nepali way?
It is high time think seriously in exploring such a path. We ourselves are the makers of our country, not others. It is the ground reality. Fusion of superior values of Socialism what the similar values of Democracy (Loktantra) is the task to be under taken by Nepal now. Priority should be given to the betterment of the poor compared to the rich. Leaders deliver such lectures only in words not indeed.
Nepal should warn their leader to become accountable and not compromise with  merits and qualification. Friendly relations with all nations is a most. Malevolent attitude of other country should strongly be opposed. Democracy (Loktantra) is an amalgamation of various ideologies and personalities. The traits of Communism are less pallatative to the mass since it imposes ban on freedom of thoughts, taste, independence of a human being. It is narrow in all respects, therefore not liked by the people. High sounding slogan should not be taken as synonymous of democracy.
There is democracy where the rule of law is working. Prachanda snatched two hundred billion from the PLA, 3 Prime Ministers gulp up 3 billion each in Budhi Gandaki Hydro Project, says Ex PM. Dr. Baburam Bhattarai. But the law cannot bring them into record.
Nepal Bar Association is in protest agitation, judges are accused of irregularities. No legal action is found taken in the Government Land and any big corruption scandals. Corruption became the standard bearer of Democracy (Loktantra). Corrupts have been the defender of Law. There is no democracy where the employees locked up the ministries and the ministers businessmen, VC, Commissioners etc, assaulted are and insulted.
Politics is driven by egoism or by a feeling of self-superiority. The killings of men, deceiving people and such other acts are now said to be a revolution. MCC and federalism are protested and has established intimacy with Sher Bahadur Deuba, who supports MCC, the other facade of a revolution. He, who had fixed the price tag yesterday now became a partner for power. This type of politics can not walk along the right track and provide bread and roof to the poor.
Where has the transitional period justice gone ¿ Health and education have become the commodity of merchandise. The communists and other parties, as well are not serious upon people’s concern. Now Communists have turned billionaire in the name of revolution and championing the slogan of proletariat¿
Answer to this question reflects only the politics of the dark side.
Congress Party or the other democratic parties should compete with the communists. People have right to vote and select the representatives but every time the same ugly faces are being reflected in the mirror. The people are made feeble. Their votes are misused and political vandalism is ruling over them. Congress and communists have imported a raw culture. Others also adopted the same in the competition. Why people like Mohan Chandra (Communist senior Leader) seeking favour or kindness and the opportunists have become PM, Ministers, MPs ¿ Everyone is feeling absurd. The media persons, civil society body and intellectuals, are divided into individual parties and supporting the parties of their favour. This is the sign of state failure. This is what Nepal now is facing. The good conscience is being assassinated.
Should this trend continue and let go unheard ¿ Should this country always ruled by the scoundrels crushing and killing the ordinary mass every now and then. Should the people not decide their fate themselves for a prosperous Nepal ¿ Taken for granted the tyranny of president Trump who is finally sidelined by the people. People in Nepal should search for this opportunity and kick out all the disfigured faces.
Only then the democracy can flourish and communist tyranny is ended. In otherwise case, the politics will not take the favour of people. The politics will be a commodity of sale and purchase for long. Democracy will not see the broad day light.
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