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१२ सोमबार, कार्तिक २०८१23rd July 2024, 10:09:55 am

Round Table Discussion on Kashmir Solidarity Day

२३ शुक्रबार , माघ २०७७४ बर्ष अगाडि

Pakistan Embassy organized a Round Table Discussion on “Kashmir Solidarity Day”, today. The event was attended by journalists, writers and analysts as well as human rights activists. Messages of the President, Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister of Pakistan on Kashmir Solidarity Day were read out. 
In his message, President Arif Alvi paid tribute to the Kashmiris on their resilience in their just struggle for the right to self-determination. More than a year-and-a-half has passed since 5th August 2019 when India took unilateral and illegal actions to alter the internationally recognized disputed status of IIOJK and change the demographic structure of the occupied territory. President Alvi reiterated Pakistan’s full support and solidarity with its Kashmiri brothers and sisters. The President said that Pakistan will continue to extend all-out support to the Kashmiris till the realization of their unalienable right to self-determination. 
In his message, Prime Minister Imran Khan reaffirmed Pakistan’s resolute support for the Kashmiri brothers and sisters. He reiterated Pakistan’s solidarity with the Kashmiri people until realization of their legitimate and inalienable right to self-determination, in accordance with the United Nations Charter and relevant UN Security Council Resolutions. Prime Minister Khan demanded immediate lifting of the military siege and communications blockade as well as rescinding of India’s illegal and unilateral actions in IIOJK. He called for the release of all those arbitrarily arrested and illegally incarcerated. He also called for the immediate repeal of draconian laws providing impunity to Indian occupation forces. He demanded access for international human rights and humanitarian organizations, as well as the international media, so as to investigate the grave human rights situation in the occupied territory.
 Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi highlighted that IIOJK had been under continuous Indian military siege for the last 18 months, with Kashmiris virtually caged in their own houses, reeling under communications blockade, and facing severe media restrictions. Kashmiri leadership remained incarcerated. Under the suffocating military siege and in the face of ravaging Covid-19 pandemic, Indian army had continued cordon-and-search operations, staged fake “encounters”, and indulged in a killing spree of Kashmiri youth in IIJOK which had further accentuated the grave humanitarian tragedy there. Mr. Qureshi reaffirmed Pakistan’s strong and steadfast support to the valiant Kashmiri people in their just struggle for human dignity and their inalienable right to self-determination in accordance with United Nations Security Council resolutions.
Ambassador Syed Haider Shah recalled the genesis of the long-festering dispute and numerous UNSC resolutions which enshrined the promise not just from the United Nation but from the international community to the people of Jammu and Kashmir about their right to self-determination. The non-implementation of these resolutions had subjected several generations of the people of IIOJK to grave injustices, sufferings and jeopardized the peace and stability of the entire region. 
Participants at the event expressed serious concern over the worsening human rights situation in Kashmir resulting from more than 18 months clamp down on millions of people in the occupied territory. 
The event concluded with a Q&A session in which several journalists and analysts asked questions about the history, human rights dimensions and the future of the disputed territory. 
05 February, 2021
Message from H.E. Dr. Arif Alvi
President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
On Kashmir Solidarity Day 2021
The people of Pakistan join in commemorating this Kashmir Solidarity Day, paying rich tribute to the Kashmiris on their resilience in their just struggle for the right to 
self-determination. More than a year-and-a-half has passed since 5th August 2019 when India took unilateral and illegal actions aimed at altering the internationally recognized dispute status of IIOJK and changing the demographic structure of the occupied territory. 
Self-determination is one of the fundamental rights codified in all major human rights instruments as well as the United Nations Charter. The denial of this right and subjugation of Kashmiris in IIOJK is the very negation of human dignity.
The Jammu and Kashmir dispute is one of the oldest items on the agenda of the UN Security Council. The dispute remains unresolved due to India’s obstinate refusal to honour its commitments and its disrespect for the fundamental human rights and international law. Indian Occupation Forces continue oppression and brutalization of innocent Kashmiris through an inhuman military siege, communications blockade, cordon-and-search-operations, fake “encounters”, extra-judicial killings of Kashmiri youth, use of pellet guns, and collective punishment of entire communities and neighbourhoods. The draconian laws in place in IIOJK provide complete impunity to the occupation forces as they commit egregious violations of human rights.
Demographic apartheid in IIOJK by Indian Occupation Forces is further violation of international law where-in the Kashmiri majority is being turned into a minority in its own land. These measures are a constant reminder to the world community of India’s 
State-terrorism – being perpetrated day in and day out against innocent Kashmiri men, women and children.
On this day, Pakistan calls upon the international community to hold India accountable for all its misdeeds and crimes against humanity. India must rescind its unilateral and illegal actions and stop implementation the RSS-inspired ‘Hindutva’ agenda in IIOJK that is detrimental to peace and security in the region. They key to durable peace in South Asia is resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the relevant United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolutions and the wishes for the Kashmiri people.
Pakistan remains in full support and solidarity with its Kashmiri brothers and sisters. We will continue to extend all-out support to the Kashmiris till the realization of their unalienable rights to self-determination.
Message from H.E. Mr. Imran Khan Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
On Kashmir Solidarity Day 2021
Today, on this Kashmir Solidarity Day, we reaffirm our resolute support for our Kashmiri brothers and sisters, who continue to be subjected to an inhuman military siege and communications blockage since 5 August 2019. The tragedy of the Kashmiris, however, goes back more than 7 decades as they have faced unabated repression and consistent denial of their fundamental rights by India.
While observing this Day, we salute the unflinching resolve of Kashmiris in their valiant struggle for the right to self-determination, which was pledged to them by India, Pakistan, and the international community. Ever since India reneged on this commitment, it has sought to brutally suppress the Kashmiris’ quest for freedom.
The latest Indian attempts to further colonize IIOJK by altering its demography and obliterating the distinct Kashmiri identity are reflective of a sinister design to convert the Muslim majority into a minority. These changes are being carried out through promulgation of illegal domicile rules, changes in property laws, and downgrading the status of Urdu language. Incentives are being offered to outsiders to settle on the occupied land of the Kashmiris in violation of international law, particularly the 4th Geneva Convention.
Over 8 million Kashmiris have been turned into prisoners in their own homes, with more than 900,000 occupation troops holding them hostage. History has few examples of such violation of fundamental rights. Thousands of Kashmiris have been arbitrarily detained. The Kashmiri youth is being particularly targeted through abductions, incarceration at undisclosed locations, indiscriminate use of pellet guns, and extra-judicial killings in fake ‘encounters’. This is a manifestation on Indian state-terrorism against innocent Kashmiris.
There should be immediate lifting of the military siege and communications blockade as well as rescinding of India’s illegal and unilateral actions in IIOJK. All those arbitrarily arrested and illegally incarcerated should be released and draconian laws providing impunity to Indian occupation forces immediately repealed. The international human rights and humanitarian organizations, as well as the international media, should be allowed access to investigate the grave human rights situation in the occupied territory. 
Pakistan reiterates its call on the world community to hold India accountable for its crimes against humanity in IIOJK. India must stop its brutal suppression of Kashmiris, adhere to its international human rights obligations, and honour the commitment to grant to Kashmiris their inalienable right to self-determination through a free and impartial plebiscite under the UN auspices.
For its part, Pakistan will remain unshakable in its solidarity with the Kashmiri people until they realize their legitimate and inalienable right to self-determination, in accordance with the United Nations Charter and the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions. This is indispensible for durable peace and security in South Asia.
Message from Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Quershi on
Kashmir Solidarity Day 2021
This 5th February, we reaffirm our unflinching solidarity with Kashmiris in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). The entire Pakistani nation stands with them in their valiant struggle to secure their inalienable right to self-determination.
For 18 months now, IIOJK is under continuous Indian military siege, with Kashmiris virtually caged in their own houses, reeling under communications blockade, and facing severe restrictions on the media. Their political headship continues to be incarcerated. Under the suffocating military siege and in the face of ravaging COVID-19 pandemic, the Indian army has continued cordon-and-search operations, staged fake “encounters”, and indulged in a killing spree of Kashmiri youth in IIOJK—thus further accentuating the grave humanitarian tragedy there.  
Following the extremist “Hindutva” ideology, the RSS-BJP regime has also embarked on a design to change the demographic structure of the occupied territory and obliterate the distinct Kashmiri identity. Apart from new domicile and property laws, the rules changing the official status of Urdu language are all part of this sinister campaign. 
The international media, UN Secretary General, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, World Parliaments, Human Rights and Civil Society organizations have highlighted the grave human rights violations in IIOJK—including detentions without trial, use of pellet guns, and extra-judicial killings.
The international community must continue to act in support of the fundamental freedoms and basic human rights of the Kashmiris and urge India to allow the UN Fact Finding Mission to investigate the grave human rights violations in IIOJK. India must allow the United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) unhindered access to carry out its mandate. If India has nothing to hide, it must allow international media and civil society to visit and report on the human rights situation in IIOJK.
Pakistan reiterates its call on the international community to hold India accountable for its egregious violations of human rights and serious crimes against the Kashmiri people. Pakistan also reaffirms full support for its Kashmiri brothers and sisters. This solidarity will continue until the Kashmiris achieve their inalienable right to self-determination as enshrined in the UN Charter and relevant UN Security Council Resolutions. This is the only course to durable peace, security and development in South Asia.