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०२ शुक्रबार, कार्तिक २०८१23rd July 2024, 10:09:55 am

glorious 79th Founding Anniversary of the Workers' Party of DPR Korea

१७ बिहिबार , आश्विन २०८११५ दिन अगाडि

 glorious 79th Founding Anniversary of the Workers' Party of DPR Korea
  • Eternal President of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
  • Immortal Feats of National Liberation

Greeting this day, our people pay their highest tribute and present the greatest glory to President Kim Il Sung while looking back with deep emotion on his immortal feats of gaining victory in the arduous great anti-Japanese war to win back the country and building on this land a genuine country of the people, the invincible socialist state.

President Kim Il Sung accomplished the national-historic cause of national liberation by waging bloody battles against the Japanese imperialists. This was a noteworthy event which opened up a new era of socialist Korea and created a worldwide example of anti-colonial struggle for national independence.

Since then, our people could gain a reputation as the most dignified and mighty people, and our country could vigorously advance along the road of independence.

President Kim Il Sung put forward an independent revolutionary line and consistently maintained the revolutionary principle and mode of struggle of national independence and independence by our own efforts during the whole period of the anti-Japanese revolution. This is the first factor in the brilliant implementation of the historic cause of national liberation.

During those days, he put forward Juche-oriented lines and published immortal classic works including “The Path of the Korean Revolution” and “The Tasks of Korean Communists”, which are permeated with the idea of strong independent spirit and independence by our own efforts that the Korean people are the masters of the Korean revolution and the country’s independence must be achieved by the efforts of our nation itself.

“The Ten-Point Program of the Association for the Restoration of the Fatherland” set forth by President Kim Il Sung is a program of great national unity that strongly rallied into a single force all the anti-Japanese patriotic forces including conscientious national capitalists and religious people, to say nothing of workers and peasants.

He also clearly defined the character and mission of the Korean revolution and comprehensively clarified from a Juche-oriented standpoint all the problems arising in the building of the Party and revolutionary armed forces, thus advancing the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle towards victory.

Thanks to his unique line and wise leadership, an epochal example of national unity could be set and the Korean people could defeat the Japanese imperialists by their own efforts and achieve the historic cause of national liberation.

President Kim Il Sung organized and led armed struggle to a victory. This is another factor in the brilliant implementation of the great historic cause of national liberation.

With the strong belief that military power is the guarantee for national liberation and victory of revolution, he founded the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army (KPRA) – the first revolutionary armed force of Juche type, and strengthened and developed it into an invincible one armed with indomitable revolutionary spirit and military tactics of our own style.
His firm faith in sure victory, iron will, matchless courage and pluck were the KPRA’s source of unfathomable might. His protean tactics of guerrilla warfare employed in the vast plains and hills of Mt. Paektu were stimulants that restored our people’s faith in sure victory, while dealing a heavy blow to the Japanese imperialists.

President Kim Il Sung formulated grand plans to achieve national liberation by waging a general offensive of the KPRA combined with a nationwide uprising and joint operations in the rear, and wisely led the struggle to this end.

Accordingly, numerous secret bases were established and armed units organized all across the country, and the preparations for all-people resistance were stepped up on a nationwide scale.

President Kim Il Sung led the great anti-Japanese war to victory by relying on all-people resistance with the KPRA as the hard core. As a result, the historic cause of national liberation came to be finally accomplished.

He liberated the country by defeating the Japanese imperialist invaders with his independent revolutionary line and active armed struggle and his exploits will shine forth for all ages to come.

The socialist fatherland – founded by President Kim Il Sung, and built into a people’s paradise and handed down by Chairman Kim Jong Il – is now displaying its dignity and prestige with respected Comrade Kim Jong Un in the leadership of our revolution.

True to the patriotic desire to build a powerful country cherished by President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, respected Comrade Kim Jong Un laid out and has vigorously implemented the grand plans to make our country the most powerful in the world, possessed of strong national might and eternal prosperity where people lead the happiest life.

The feats of national liberation achieved by President Kim Il Sung will be immortal with the new history of Juche Korea.
-Victorious Anti-Japanese Revolutionary War

President Kim Il Sung achieved the immortal exploits to be etched in the history of the country and liberation struggle of humankind by leading the anti-Japanese revolutionary war to victory.

The anti-Japanese revolutionary war led by the President to victory was the living example that showed the oppressed people throughout the world how to wage a struggle for national liberation and independence.
The strategy and tactics personally created and applied by the President during the anti-Japanese revolutionary war were all unique and valuable ones of world-historical significance, and they encouraged many people of the world in the anti-imperialist struggle for national liberation.

The line of thoroughly applying such adroit and consummate guerilla war methods as the joint operation between small-unit and large-unit, surprise attacks and ambushes against the enemies and the policy of developing the armed struggle in close relationship between the popular movement of the anti-Japanese masses and the international revolutionary forces were the great guidelines for the people under the colonial rule of the imperialists to achieve victory in their armed struggle against the latter.

An endless stream of revolutionaries in Asia, Africa and Latin America engaged in the armed struggle against the imperialism and colonialism visited the DPRK to receive instructions from the President on his valuable experience and tactics during the anti-Japanese revolutionary war.

Some revolutionaries studied his classic works and gained independence in the struggle against the colonialists, guided by them.

The victory in the anti-Japanese revolutionary war was not only a national-historic event that brought national liberation to the Korean people under the colonial rule of the Japanese imperialists, but also a world-historic event that gave new impetus to the world oppressed people's anti-imperialist struggle for national liberation.


-KPRA, Worthy of Note in the History of Guerrilla Movement in the World

The guerrilla movement of mankind against foreign aggressors has a long history and many world-renowned guerrilla units have been recorded in its history. The position of the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army, which fought against the Japanese imperialist aggressors, is unusually outstanding.

First, the KPRA set the longest record in terms of the period of guerrilla struggle.

The history of guerrilla struggle in many countries, including that in the period of the Second World War, is five years on average. But the KPRA fought guerrilla warfare for over ten years from its founding on April 25, 1932 to the liberation of Korea in 1945. The period can be counted to be 15 years in total when it includes the period of the Korean Revolutionary Army, a preparatory period for the anti-Japanese armed struggle.
Second, the KPRA won by fighting the formidable Japanese imperialists in the worst conditions and situation, in which it had no state to support it in the rear or any foreign aid.

At that time, Korea was under the complete military occupation by the Japanese imperialists. Therefore, there was no state that could support the KPRA, and no assistance could be expected from any other country. It had to obtain all the necessary weapons, ammunition, clothing, food, medicines and so on through battles against the enemy. This provided a complete contrast to the guerrillas that fought during the Second World War under the strong support of the anti-fascist camp. The KPRA also had to overcome the continental cold of 40 degrees below zero and constant shortage of food and clothing.

Third, the KPRA was a special military and political group which carried out political tasks as well as military tasks.

While waging an armed struggle, the KPRA performed the political mission of educating the people and rallying them organizationally to encourage them to turn out in the anti-Japanese resistance. It also conducted its independent intelligence activities. Each soldier of the KPRA had to prepare himself as a skilful political worker as well as a competent military activist. Thanks to their efforts, subordinate organizations of the Association for the Restoration of the Fatherland, a national united front body, mushroomed like a spider net even in Japan where Koreans were forcibly drafted and taken to, not to mention in different parts of Korea and Northeast China. These organizations had their own armed units under different names and made preparations for an all-people resistance. They also organized lawful and unlawful struggles against the Japanese imperialists and conducted intelligence activities in different fields

anti-Japanese armed struggle

In the arduous anti-Japanese armed struggle, it cherished as its faith the steadfast spirit of independence, the spirit that one is responsible for carrying out one’s own country’s revolution on one’s own efforts, and created the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance and fortitude, the revolutionary method of work of solving all problems by relying firmly on the masses and enlisting their strength, and the people-oriented style of work of respecting the people and sharing life and death, weal and woe with them. These are traditions the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea values as its very lifeline and firmly carries forward, and a hallmark of socialist Korea.

It was President Kim Il Sung (1912-1994), founding father of socialist Korea.

He created many Juche-oriented and outstanding guerrilla tactics and methods unheard-of in the world history of war, winning one victory after another in the struggle against the Japanese imperialists, and rallied all the people as one, thus achieving the historic cause of national liberation (August 15, 1945) through an all-people resistance.