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०५ सोमबार, कार्तिक २०८१23rd July 2024, 10:09:55 am

Voice of DPRK

१९ मंगलबार , असार २०८१४ महिना अगाडि

Voice of DPRK

Recently the grave situation has been prevailing in the Korean peninsula region due to the reckless and provocative war maneuvers of the U.S. and its vassal forces.

The U.S., Japan and ROK staged Freedom Edge, the first tripartite multi-domain joint military exercises in the waters near the DPRK from June 27 to 29.

In the past they staged many large and small joint military drills under various pretexts, but there had been no such a large-scale joint military drill dubbed with a special name.

Now the international community unanimously comments that lurking behind the recent drill is the strategic design of the U.S. to escalate regional military tensions, exert pressure upon the Far East of Russia and lay siege to China.

The danger of the first tripartite multi-domain joint military exercises between the U.S., Japan and the ROK lies not only in the fact that the armed forces of the three countries conducted drills in various operational spheres including the sea and air. The gravity and danger of the situation lie in the fact that Freedom Edge is a product of the organization, systematization and actualization of the U.S.-Japan-ROK tripartite military bloc.

An official concerned of the U.S. Department of State recently asserted that Japan and the ROK are very good partners in coping with the threat from Russia. Lurking behind this is the U.S. strategic scenario to use the U.S.-Japan-ROK tripartite military bloc as a three-horse carriage for carrying out its strategy for hegemony in not only Northeast Asia but also the rest of the world. 

Such confrontational attempt of the U.S. is the root cause of fomenting political instability and military confrontation and triggering off bloody wars and touch-and-go security crises in different parts of the world.

External Policy Office of DPRK Foreign Ministry issued the press statement on this. The full text could be found on the website of the Korean Central News Agency

Korean Committee for Solidarity with the World People firmly believes that the world progressive peoples, loving peace and justice, would raise the awareness to the U.S.  strategy for hegemony in the world and further strengthen the mutual cooperation and joint struggle against it.

Best regards!

 Korean Committee for Solidarity with the World People