Children according to the UN are those persons under the age of 14 or below. Child Rights according to the same organization is defined as a legally-binding international agreement setting out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of every child in the world. But things get a bit twisty towards children in third-world country like Nepal. Those rules are placed under shadow as if they never existed anyway. Child Rights is fairly new to landlocked and rural countries like Nepal. I mentioned rural and landlocked because Nepal had a history of isolating the whole country from development and western powers who at the time were more following of rules and regulations and protecting their citizens aggresively meanwhile Nepal was like a loose country held with no rules which existed as a puppet of British India. The first contact with western powers was only in 17th century with the British and Frenchs. When the British rules came to India, they brought with them better transportation, education and somewhat better treatment to minors of India. While Nepal remained a tribal state compared to these things of the Indians, the first child rights act or bill was passed only in 1992 with the help of UN. This promised a better future to the abused and exploited kids . It wasnt until it was strictly implemented after 2015 constitution of Nepal and abusers could be arrested with enough proofs and delivery of evidences. The current constitution has effectively given 12 rights to be compulsorily followed and given to children. Now, there are around 50-300 NGOs eorking to save the children from such evils. Some examples are Child Workers in Nepal(CWIN), Child Nepal(CN), Namaste Children Nepal, SOSChildrensVilage, CWISH,etc. When child rights seem to have done a lot achievements, we still have a long way to go and unite for a better place for our future.