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०१ मंगलबार, आश्विन २०८१23rd July 2024, 10:09:55 am

“Do not underestimate our people and military forces!” - President Nicolas Maduro Moros

१९ शनिबार , श्रावण २०८१एक महिना अगाडि

“Do not underestimate our people and military forces!”
- President Nicolas Maduro Moros

Caracas, July 30, 2024:    
Approximately four months ago, I knew little about Venezuela. As a member of the Secretariat of the Asian Regional Committee for Friendship and Solidarity with the Korean people and a journalist from Nepal, I received an official invitation from Hon. Yvan Gil, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, through the Residential Ambassador of Venezuela, Her Excellency Capaya Rodriguez Gonzalez, to the Republic of India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. The invitation was to attend the July 28 Presidential election as a member of the International Observation Group.
Upon receiving the formal invitation, I gathered some general knowledge about Venezuela and finally arrived in the land of Chavistas on July 22, 2024.
On July 23 and 24, we attended the International Conference on “World Social Alternative” from Bolivar to Chavez “Alternative for Unalterable Peace” and “World Alternative Media,” which focused on creating new communication channels to counter the influence of outside media and the Western narrative. The conference highlighted how media outlets often manipulate reality, especially regarding Venezuela, Cuba, and DPR Korea, where strong sanctions, embargoes, and blockades are in place. 
Media outlets always try to convince laymen by giving false news so many as 99 times and after that, it becomes true in people’s minds for the 100th time, but we do not believe it, as stressed in the conference. The examples are what we are witnessing every day on the issues of Venezuela, Cuba, and DPR Korea and hegemonism exists in the media outlets where they manipulate and exchange the reality of those countries. Speakers from various countries and international organizations emphasized this point. 
On July 25, we witnessed a massive rally organized for unity and the election campaign. Having participated in numerous international and regional conferences and rallies in cities like Kiev, Cairo, Taipei, Manila, Pyongyang, Dhaka-Borisal, New Delhi, and Jakarta as an Afro-Asian People’s Solidarity member and journalist, visiting Caracas and witnessing the indescribable mass rally on July 25 was a memorable experience in nearly seven decades of my life. Everywhere I looked, I saw enthusiastic people in colorful attire singing nationalist songs about Venezuela, Simon Bolivar, and Hugo Chavez, and dancing to celebrate the upcoming presidential election. It felt like a national festival.
On July 26, we had the opportunity to listen to President Maduro’s speech on the eve of the election. He highlighted the urgent need for peace and security in the region, stating, “Every day you receive thousands of attacks against us. Every time they disturb you, whenever you try to support Venezuela. But we have recovered our economy, enhanced social security, and developed our own model. Our election has become a world event. No one is talking about the Paris Olympics; they are concentrating on our election. We are establishing permanent peace, and stability, and enhancing democratic rights. We do not want to become a colony of the empire. Venezuela is a country of law, ruled by law.”
President Maduro continued, “In 2020, the country obtained oil revenues of US$743 million, 99% less than in 2012 (US$50 billion). It was the worst time of illegal sanctions. Since August 2018, we have implemented four structural measures to stabilize the Venezuelan economy—stimulus to national production, increased tax collection, fostering non-traditional exports, and support for entrepreneurs. Now, we have achieved a growing economy, inflation control, currency stabilization, a country of one million entrepreneurs, more than 60,000 new brands, and increased social protection. Today, we consume what our own hands produce. We have achieved 96% national production; the worst days are over.”
On election day, July 28, we visited seven different polling booths around Caracas and found a very peaceful environment. Voter lists were posted at the entrance gates, and voters needed to show their identity cards and fingerprints before receiving voting permission. They then proceeded to a room with a computer to choose their preferred candidate. We observed volunteers and security personnel being very helpful, particularly to senior citizens. We took many photographs of these events.
After the election, on July 29, we were invited to the Office of the National Election Commissioner, where its Chief awarded a certificate to the President-elect. In his victory speech, President Maduro said, “I will continue to work for peace, stability, unity, and prosperity for the Bolivarian nation! 900 observers from over 100 countries and social media monitored the election. The nation conducted a real-time audit of the election, which is not seen in other countries’ elections. 54% of the polling votes were audited on the same day! Patriotic forces, the Simon Bolivarian party, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, the Green Party, and the Alliance Party for Change have all contributed greatly.”
“We have defeated Elon Musk and groups trying to sabotage our election and create instability in our nation!” President Maduro elaborated.
President Maduro continued, “In 2023, our enemies attempted to kill me five times, and in 2024, there were two assassination attempts. The masterminds of these attempts, from the ultra-right group of billionaires, have admitted their crimes. We have defeated the conspiracy against our people. Do not underestimate our people and the military forces; the nation will never allow intervention in our internal affairs!”
On July 30, I made a brief courtesy call to Her Excellency Madam Tatiana, Vice-Foreign Minister of Venezuela, who manages friendly relations with Southeast Asia. I presented souvenirs from Nepal through her Secretary.
The Attaché of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela also presented souvenirs from Nepal to President Maduro, and we had a friendly discussion about mutual interests and friendship.
Taking this opportunity, I would like to extend thanks to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Electoral Council (CNE), the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for the invitation to observe the July 28 Presidential election and to see the heroic people and the nation. 
I also thank Mr. Rajan Karki, Senior Journalist of Nepal, for your motivation and inspiration over the years.
- PR Pant