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०६ मंगलबार, कार्तिक २०८१23rd July 2024, 10:09:55 am

KIM IL SUNG is Immortal

२५ सोमबार , असार २०८१३ महिना अगाडि

KIM IL SUNG is Immortal

In the Memory of President KIM IL SUNG:
Peerlessly Great Leader President KIM IL SUNG is Immortal
I am privileged to participate in the online submission for the hybrid event on July 08, 2024, in Berlin, Germany organized by the European Regional Committee for Friendship with the Korean People (ERCFKP) to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the sad demise of the President KIM IL SUNG. I sincerely express my thanks to the organizer, especially Dr. Dermot Hudson, for giving me such an honorable opportunity to participate online.
I was profoundly moved by the extraordinary personality of President KIM IL SUNG when I had the honor of participating in a luncheon reception with him. During the event, President KIM IL SUNG stood up, raised his glass of Jinsin, and toasted in honor of the foreign delegates wishing them good health and long life at the Kumsusan Presidential Palace in Pyongyang. This took place during the Pyongyang-Panmunjom Peace March in 1991, and the event concluded with a group photograph with respected President KIM IL SUNG.
President KIM IL SUNG has become a lodestar of human emancipation and a distinguished leader who opened up a new path for world revolution and accomplished immortal exploits for the people’s cause of independence. 
He is a peerlessly great man in the world. We cannot find a state leader like KIM IL SUNG in the world who in his lifetime not only liberated Korea from Japanese colonial rule, won the imperialist led 3-years long Korean war, introduced the Socialist system in the country, founded the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and made Korea a paradise on the earth. This has become possible only due to his devotion to the people and his politics of love and trust for the people. President KIMIL SUNG wrote in his Reminiscences With the Century: “The People are my God! has been my constant view and motto! The principle of Juche which calls for drawing on the strength of the masses, who are the masters of the revolution and construction, is my political creed. This has been the axiom that has led me to devote my whole life to the people”
The highest respect has also been offered to President KIM IL SUNG by the Korean people under the brilliant leadership and true successor of the Korean revolution, Comrade KIM JONG IL. April 15 has been declared as the “Day of the Sun,” and the Juche Era began in 1912, the birth year of respected President KIM IL SUNG, who was declared the Eternal President of the Republic. The Workers’ Party of Korea has also promoted the slogans: “Let us arm ourselves more firmly with the revolutionary ideas of Great Leader President KIM IL SUNG” and “The Workers’ Party of Korea is the Party of Comrade       KIM IL SUNG.”
Respected President KIM IL SUNG met with figures from political and social circles from many countries, inspiring them to cherish a firm conviction in socialism and advance the cause of independence. Through his efforts, the Pyongyang Declaration titled “Let Us Defend and Advance the Cause of Socialism” was adopted in Pyongyang on April 20, 1992, and signed by leaders and representatives of many progressive political parties worldwide.
President KIM IL SUNG’s ideology and cause are carried forward by his faithful successor and true follower of the Korean Revolution, His Excellency KIM JONG IL. The Juche idea and the Songun idea, authored by President KIM IL SUNG and enriched by Leader KIM JONG IL, serve as the guiding ideology for all Korean people.
President KIM IL SUNG actively supported the anti-imperialist, anti-fascist struggles of people in foreign countries. Between the end of the 1980s and the early 1990s, he met with political and social figures from many countries, encouraging them to maintain their conviction in socialism and pursue the cause of independence without giving up.
He supported the anti-Japanese armed struggle to liberate his country and later gave material and spiritual support to the Chinese revolution, despite Korea’s difficult situation. He also sent many excellent airmen to support the Vietnamese people’s war against US aggression and offered selfless assistance to build new societies in Africa and other countries.
The non-aligned movement, a powerful anti-imperialist and independent force in the 20th century, is associated with President KIM IL SUNG’s deep concern and efforts. He continued to work for global independence even in his last days.
President KIM IL SUNG set forth the slogan “People of the Whole World Aspiring after Independence, Unite!” and outlined the methods for opposing imperialist and domination forces, abolishing the outdated international order of domination and subordination, and establishing a new, fair one. He provided scientific insights on achieving global independence, including maintaining independence by all countries and nations, strengthening the non-aligned movement, developing south-south cooperation in many fields, and establishing wholesome international relations.
The exploits of President KIM IL SUNG for the cause of global independence will shine forever. It is noteworthy that President KIM IL SUNG traveled 520,000 km to visit foreign countries on 54 occasions, meeting over 70,000 foreign figures, including 120 heads of state, 206 party leaders, and 76 heads of government. He made energetic efforts for global independence and provided active support to anti-imperialist and anti-fascist struggles.
The building of a thriving nation in Korea, which is now drawing international attention, is a vibrant manifestation of loyalty to President KIM IL SUNG’s ideology and cause. It was his greatest wish to enable his people to lead a happy life without bitterness.
The DPRK’s reality testifies that President KIM IL SUNG’s ideology and cause are being carried forward by His Excellency KIM JONG UN, the Supreme Leader of the Korean people, who is determined to realize his predecessor’s wishes. The revolutionary history of President KIM IL SUNG and Comrade KIM JONG IL will continue. The DPRK has already become a political-ideological power and a military power. Once it builds economic power, it can be said that it has truly risen to the heights of a great, prosperous, and powerful nation. The exploits of President KIM IL SUNG for the cause of global independence will shine forever.
World progressive people pay the highest respect to the Eternal President KIM IL SUNG, an outstanding thinker and theoretician who illuminated the path of struggle to shape the destiny of the masses and made social progress by creating a scientific revolutionary idea.
President KIM IL SUNG will always be remembered by the world’s progressive and peace-loving people for his immortal contributions to the emancipation of all mankind. This is why more than 480 streets, organizations, and units in over 100 countries are named after him, and 180-odd highest orders and medals from over 70 countries and international organizations were conferred on him. State, party, and government leaders from 172 countries presented 166,065 gifts to him with respect. The honors and gifts continue to be presented even after his demise.
-Long Live the Juche Idea and Songun Policy!
-Long Live President KIM IL SUNG and Comrade KIM JONG IL!
-Good Health and Long Life to His Excellency KIM JONG UN!

PR Pant
Secretariat Member, Asia-Pacific Regional Committee for
Friendship and Solidarity with Korean People
Secretary, Nepal National Memorial Commission for President KIM  IL SUNG 
and Comrade KIM JONG IL
General-Secretary, Nepal-Korea Friendship Association

Kathmandu, NEPAL
08 July 2024 – Online submission.