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०४ शुक्रबार, आश्विन २०८१23rd July 2024, 10:09:55 am

Solidarity to the Struggle of the Bolivarian Venezuela

१४ सोमबार , जेठ २०८१४ महिना अगाडि

Solidarity to the Struggle of the Bolivarian Venezuela

The Presidential election for the period of 2025-2031, which is scheduled to be held in Venezuela on July 28, 2024, is of transcendental importance for the destiny of the Bolivarian revolution and other political processes in Latin America and as well as of the world.
President Nicolas Maduro Moros is the candidate of hope and dignity of the Homeland of Bolivar and Chavez with whom the Bolivarian people guarantee peace, development, stability progress prosperity, and happiness of the people in the future. 
President Nicolas Maduro’s far-sighted policies of peace and stability in Latin America have played a great role in strengthening Latin American unity, cooperation, and mutual trust on the way to building a more humanitarian multipolar world and achieving the final victory of the Bolivarian revolutionary cause!
The life of eternal commander Hugo Chavez has an indelible mark on the Bolivarian revolution and the people of Latin America.
The events of April 13, 2002, had a unique seal in the history of the people for the first time in the history of the people. people reverse a coup d’état developed by international dark forces with national oligarchy. Entire people from the neighborhood too marched ahead and took over Venezuela demanding the release of their unconquerable commander Respected Hugo Chavez.
Celebrating memorable events is of utmost importance for awareness of history; the life of Eternal Commander Hugo Chávez has a permanent mark on the Bolivarian Revolution and the people of Latin America. The events of April 13, 2002, had a unique seal in the history of the people.
This action shows us that the new Bolívar of the continent, Hugo Chávez, had taught his people how to defend themselves and fight for their rights. The people learned from their commander how to rebel against the oppressors who in an immoral way wanted to destroy the Chavista and Bolivarian revolution.
At present, the April 13th event is more important than ever!
We have rarely witnessed a battle in history and rarely if ever in Latin America. There are no sincere words that can explain and celebrate that great event of everything. Without that event, Latin America would be different, and perhaps progressive governments would not have had a chance to advance in the Great Homeland. The event of the liberation of the Eternal Commander, the civil-military iron-like unity was an unprecedented revolution because that was a revolution within the Chavista and Bolivarian revolution that succeeded and changed the course of history.
The Front for the Defense of the People Hugo Chávez joins those flashes and thunders of victory of everything 11th has its 13th, celebrates with the integrity hearts of all the revolutionaries, of the Great Homeland that we highly honor the heroic people of Venezuela and its victorious Commander of all battles, Eternal Commander Hugo Chávez.
It must be noted that Tri-continental solidarity campaign is playing a vital role in Asia, Africa and Latin America to enhance the popular to enhance the popular masses with the campaign of Farmers’ Global rights and the just struggling country like Venezuela. 
Tricontinental Solidarity Campaign for Venezuela, Bangladesh-based anti-imperialist organizations, under the brilliant leadership of international progressive figure Dr. Jahangir Khan along with several activists are active and tirelessly defending people’s causes in this region.
Let us all join in the movement to defend and support in solidarity the progressive struggles in Latin America aiming for peace, progress and prosperity  with justice and sovereignty mainly emphasizing on the Bolivarian Revolution, as the liberating, anti-imperialist and socialist mission that Commander Hugo Chavez led successfully, which is farsightedly continuing and guiding by the brilliant leadership of people’s leader President Nicolas Maduro. 
-    Extraordinary Brilliant Commander Respected Hugo Chávez will be always in the hearts of the progressive people of the world, including Nepal!
-    Solidarity from the Peace-loving Progressive people of Nepal!
-    Long-live the just struggle of the Bolivarian Venezuela!
-    Long-live Tri-continental Solidarity!
- Long-Live Nepal - Venezuela diplomatic relations, Established Since 28 April 1987.

-PR Pant/Journalist