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०४ शुक्रबार, आश्विन २०८१23rd July 2024, 10:09:55 am


०३ बिहिबार , जेठ २०८१४ महिना अगाडि

Prof. Kenjo Tange  & LUMBINI MASTER PLAN

When Sir U Thant of Burma --- the then Secretary-General of the United Nations Organization reported to "Lumbini Village Peace Grove" in 1972 A.D., he stood tensely awe-stricken at the horrible sight of the current situation afforded to LUMBINI and ultimately decided to form a committee related to the imminent development of Lumbini Garden which was later officially tendered at the desk of the Headquarters of the U.N.O. established in New York City. His Holiness Ven. Aniruddha Mahasthavir was then formally appointed as the In-Charge of "Nepal National Monastery" erected in LUMBINI belonging to the Thervad tradition. Ii is in tears, he in the Burmese vernacular explained in full the utter negligence imposed on our precious treasure like LUMBINI --- a World Heritage Site plus a Preserved Monumental Sector. Sir U Thant immediately understood of the carelessness cast upon LUMBINI by the Government of Nepal in a deliberate manner. The Parliament constituted of all liars, cheaters and swindlers. The National Assembly was permanently handled by the orthodox Hindus, the conservative Brahmins and the obnoxious Bahuns who were all corrupted and acted against Buddhism, the Buddhist community and LUMBINI in particular. It was LUMBINI that finally put Nepal on the World Map as a "Zone of Peace", you see. By the way, Burma and Japan have both declared Nepal a Zone of Peace in due time.
Later, with any top hesitation plus reluctance, the Government of Nepal granted the consent of forming Lumbini Development Trust in LUMBINI itself and a Branch Office or a City Office to be institutionalized in Kathmandu --- the capital city. As a matter of fact, the Government of Japan had two decades back kindly requested the Government of Nepal for the permission of transforming "Bhairahawa Domestic Airport" into Goutam-Buddha International Airport. The official consent never got granted at all. Instead, the Hindu fundamentalists and the false radicals appreciated the slackness seen covered over Goutam-Buddha International Airport by all means. Bhairahawa is just 22 kilometers away from Lumbini to the cardinal direction of east. Dr. Bishnu Hari Nepal was the then Ambassador Extraordinary cum Plenipotentiary appointed in Tokyo. The technical proposal of the Japanese Government was gladly recommended by the Nepalese Envoy and he forwarded it straight to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs back in Singh Durbar of Nepal. Much to our regret, the grand file never moved smoothly at all. For any precise proof, you are obliged much to keep in touch with Mr. Bishnu Hari Nepal, Ph.D ( He is a broadminded person indeed and proves to be a pro-Buddhist as well.
Prof. Kenjo Tange of Japan of the Far East called the Great Land of the Rising Sun is a world famous architect for sure. His glorious Master Plan designed for the rapid development and progress of "Lumbini Village Peace Garden" always stood in vain and in an idle position. In other words, the anti-Buddhists of Nepal enjoyed the slow progress of the mentioned garden or grove, you see. By today, the three bonafide Buddhist figures of superb leadership including Sir U Thant (of Burma), His Holiness Venerable Aniruddha Mahathera (of Nepal) and Prof. Kenjo Tange (of Japan) have all passed away, you see. They all must have attained cosmic Nirvan definitely. This ambitious write-up stresses more on Prof. Kenjo Tange and his LUMBINI MASTER PLAN. It is a colossal pity that he entered life eternal even before his LUMBINI MASTER PLAN got materialized properly. The date sadly stood at the 22nd of March 2005 A.D. proving as a historical memorandum. His big endeavor but got paid very late due to the corrupted government of Nepal, you see. The genuine plan technically prepared by a world famous architect can't permanently be kept in an idle position just to please the Hindu antagonists who have always immensely envied Buddhism since a long period back. By the way, they are nothing more than any sinning devils. This sums up to be not only a social crime but also a political crime. Down with their heinous actions by all means!  
I can by nature foresee that LUMBINI will not further develop until and unless all the non-Buddhist staff employed in Lumbini Development Trust be sacked right away. They have always been the bitter foes of the Buddhist society of Nepal indeed. Undisciplined Hindus, Muslims and Christians are never supposed to be privileged to run Lumbini Development Trust at all. They have nothing in their insane minds but any sloppy progress. It is but the absolute duty of the bonafide Buddhist Nepalese citizens residing in Nepal to handle Lumbini Development Trust at the moment. Modest helps arriving from foreign countries are all highly welcome of course. The remaining Buddhist nations expedited much to establish their respective Buddhist monasteries or lamaseries in LUMBINI virtually include: North Korea, Bhutan, Mongolia, Taiwan, Laos, Kampuchea, etc. Be reminded very well that North Korea was the first country on earth to declare Nepal a "Zone of Peace" you see. And surprisingly, Vietnam stood as the first foreign Buddhist nation to erect the first Buddhist temple within the Shangri-La or the even the Shambha-La, you see. The first Buddhist varsity of Nepal namely Lumbini University has been established within the Lumbini premises. Any devout candidate from any corner of the world can commit his or her B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in the relevant subject thus concerned. By the way, they are the dignified Graduates, Post-Graduates and Doctorates blessed by Lord Buddha indeed for their scholastic performances.   
Let us talk about the damages caused to the Buddhist society of Nepal for a while. Instead, the World Peace Pagoda erected atop Pokhara Hill by His Holiness Ven. Nichidatsu Fuji, the High Lama of Japan was completely destroyed, to the bottom. His Holiness Rev. Yugata Nawatame posted at "Lumbini Village Peace Grove" by the Tokyo Administration got brutally murdered for no reason at all. The Government of Nepal feared the imminent rise of Lumbini and the Buddhist philosophy. Thanks heaven, at present we are all able to share secularism and the fast steps are taken than any retardation as in the past that is still in sound memory. Before than this, "Might is right" policy made Nepal the only "Hindu State on Earth"  whereas Lord Buddha has taught us all to maintain the authentic principle of "Right against might", you see. Strictly speaking, India is the only Hindu Nation of the World. Nepal had been a Buddhist country since the primordial days. Or more accurately, Buddhism stands far more important than Hinduism. I swear only Buddhism can save Nepal. The World Peace Pagoda erected in LUMBINI was also erected by His Holiness Ven. Nichidatsu Fuji. It is not only believed but also trusted that this is the largest World Peace Pagoda of the globe. Many sincere thanks proceed to Japan. Therefore the other fatherly figure and the other brotherly figure who have heavily supported LUMBINI include late His Holiness Ven. Nichidatsu Fuji and late Rev. Yugata Nawatame both of whom have faithfully hailed from the Japanese Islands overseas.  
It is said that another High Lama of Japan of the Far East called the Great Land of the Rising Sun like "Ekai Kawaguchi" had also visited Lumbini Village Peace Grove --- the Fountain of Buddhism plus the Fountain of Global Peace. He was the first Japanese Buddhist pilgrim to call in Kathmandu Valley and Lumbini Village Sacred Garden together, you see. Let us all remember very well that Lord Buddha is not only the "Light of Asia", but also the "Messenger of Universal Peace." He is the Advocate of Peace; he is the Apostle of Peace. And Lord Buddha is the Foremost Scientist on earth too, you see. Our proud motto to be propagated all around permanently goes; Buddhism from Lumbini to the World. Long live Fujiyama-Sagarmatha solidarity! Long live Samurai-Gorkhali unity! Long live Japan-Nepal friendship! Never mind --- Japan is an island country whilst Nepal a buffer state. Thanks heaven that the Government of Nepal has published a Postage Stamp in top dedication to Ekai Kawaguchi. It is desirable for us all to witness the Postage Stamps of the remaining Buddhist leaders like Sir U Thant (of Burma), His Holiness Venerable Aniruddha Mahathera (of Nepal), His Holiness Ven. Nichidatsu Fuji (of Japan), Rev. Yugata Nawatame (of Japan) and Prof. Kenjo Tange (of Japan) virtually lying on the waiting list. Nevertheless, immediate attention must be paid by the Government of Nepal to release the Postage Stamps of these masterly figures in a consecutive row. We then want human sympathy and cooperation to be extended upon us the innocent Buddhist residents by the whole world. Live for Buddha. Lead for Nepal. Thank you.
    - Amrit Ratna Tuladhar