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०४ शुक्रबार, आश्विन २०८१23rd July 2024, 10:09:55 am


Buddha and Nepal-Pakistan relations

राजन कार्की

२५ मंगलबार , बैशाख २०८१४ महिना अगाडि

Buddha and Nepal-Pakistan relations

-Rajan Karki            

Nepal-Pakistan relations have always been cordial. However, the ancient link of this relationship can be considered Gautama Buddha.

Buddha was born in Lumbini, Nepal.

He got enlightenment on Baisakh Purnima of 588 BC and entered into Mahaparinirvana (demise) on Baisakh Purnima of 543 BC. After enlightening Siddhartha Gautama was known as “Gautam Buddha” Buddha is considered a symbol of world peace. The same Buddha also reached the Gandhara region of present day Pakistan.

Nepal and Pakistan are two such countries in South Asia, which are free of disputes. And, the borders are not connected. Pakistan is a Muslim country, Nepal is a Hindu-Vaudite country, but the relationship between these two countries is connected by Buddhism.

The current Taxila was the old Taxila. Dharmarajika Stupa, Taxil tehsil, Jaulian Buddhist Monastery, They are famous, safe and protected. Taxila is located in present-day Pakistan. Even today, Taxila is still in the form of Gandhara region, Once a Great Centre Of Buddhist Civilization.

Taxila Museum has one of the most significant and comprehensive collections of stone Buddhist sculpture from the first to the seventh centuries in Pakistan. 

The sculpture has Greco-Roman elements. Buddha’s head has Hellenistic elements. Thick curly hair with sharp and linear strokes over the head. In ancient times Gandhara was a trade crossroads and cultural meeting place between India, Central Asia, and the Middle East.

History mentions –

Nepal’s diplomatic relations with Pakistan, which was separated from India in August 1947, were established on March 20, 1960. Since then, cooperation and cooperation has been expanding in many fields such as business, education, health, and military. Since 1962, Nepal had established a residential embassy in Pakistan. In 1963, after Pakistani President Ayub Khan paid a special visit to Nepal, a Pakistani embassy was also established in Nepal. At the same time, Pakistan had facilitated the free trade of Nepal at Chattogram port in East Pakistan, now Bangladesh. Direct air service was established.

 In 1971, Nepal remained neutral in the Indo-Pakistani war, but after the formation of Bangladesh, due to Nepal’s recognition, Pakistan broke off relations for some time. After some time, the bitterness of this relationship turned into friendship.

Pakistan is such a country which has always supported the decisions made by Nepalese in the political process of Nepal. This is why Pakistan has succeeded in becoming a good friend of Nepal. Pakistan has always been helping Nepal’s sovereignty, geographical integrity, peace and prosperity.

SAARC relations: Pakistan is an active member of SAARC, established on December 8, 1985. The founding members of SAARC are Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Maldives. Later, Afghanistan also became a member. Nepal and Pakistan are active members of the SAARC organization. It was agreed to host the 19th SAARC Summit in Pakistan on November 15, 2016. but Diplomatic tension between India and Pakistan increased by accusing Pakistan of killing 19 Indian soldiers in the Uri terrorist attack in Indian-administered Kashmir, India announced to boycott the SAARC Summit. While Pakistan is repeatedly saying that Pakistan is not involved in that terrorist attack.

Nepal has the SAARC secretariat and is also the current chairing country. When Nepal is trying to create an environment to hold the SAARC summit time and again, India is becoming more and more reluctant.

Because of India, the life of SAARC has reached the brink of death.

Economic relations between Nepal and Pakistan are good. The volume of trade may be less, the air service has been blocked due to India and it seems that efforts are being made for direct air connections again. It seems that the current ambassador, Badchbach Jbkjamsh, is trying for this. Federation of Commerce and Industry, Nepal Industry Confederation, Chamber of Commerce are also active for the growth of trade with Pakistan.

Before the corona period, Pakistan used to organize an industry fair every year on the occasion of Dashain. Pakistan Embassy, Kathmandu is confident that it will start again from next year.

Nepal cannot forget Pakistan’s support in education and health services. Pakistan has been providing scholarships in medicine, pharmacy, information technology and engineering to Nepal under the technical assistance program. Military training, joint exercises are going on.

Pakistan has helped in the disaster. During the earthquake, Pakistan and the US Air Force played an important role in sending, collecting and distributing relief materials and rescue. Which is unforgettable. It has also been doing eye hospitals and other health activities in Nepal. Pakistan also helped in the disaster of floods and landslides.

The security relationship is strong. In addition, the cultural ties established in the 1970s are also strong. After the tourism agreement in 2009, mutual cooperation in tourism and archeology has progressed.

Exchange of tourism organizations and travel and tour operators; Assist in encouraging tourists from third countries to visit their respective countries; mutual exchange of tourism information, materials and experiences; production of tourism-related films and videotapes; And its purpose is to cooperate jointly for investment.

According to a statistic, about 5 thousand Pakistani tourists come to Nepal every year. In 64 years of relationship, the relationship is getting stronger and stronger.


It is India’s policy to challenge Nepal-Pakistan relations. The dark shadow of the bitterness between India and Pakistan has fallen on the visit of Pakistanis to Nepal. India does not want to regularize the border, does not understand the suggestions given by Pravuddha Berg, and does not like the visit of Pakistanis to Nepal. India calls Pakistan a security challenge while Pakistan itself has been against terrorism. In other words, it seems that the relationship between Nepal and Pakistan will be determined by the extent of the Indo-Pak conflict.

This is also the reason, India’s wrong policy in South Asia is becoming a threat to peace and stability, friendship and good relations. The black shadow of India’s policy has made an effective organization like SAARC and a liberal policy like China’s BRI a victim. It is active. The 18th SAARC Summit was held in Nepal in 2014. Since then, because of India, this organization has reached its death bed.

Pakistani diplomats and the government have always held positive and encouraging views towards Nepal. Culinary expert says - Nepal is very beautiful naturally. It is a treasure of love for nature lovers. Especially for those who are fascinated with nature. Nepali people are peaceful, friendly and helpful. They are simple, humble and kind. Nepal Pakistan relationship is thousands of years old.

Pakistan wants to make political, socio-economic, cultural, defense and people-to-people relations with Nepal stronger, closer and broader. There is a sense of brotherhood between both parties. We need to increase cooperation in areas such as human resource development, education, health, infrastructure, defense and connectivity. Our priorities may be high-level political contact, bilateral trade expansion and socio-economic cooperation. The political will and commitment of both sides is important in this.

Both Nepal and Pakistan are part of the Belt and Road Initiative. Nepal and Pakistan are also connected by the BRI scheme. The game of cricket is also facilitating the relationship. Both nature and tourism have potential in the country. Considering all these possibilities, experts in the diplomatic field say - Nepal and Pakistan should move forward by partnering in development.

Experts in the diplomatic field have emphasized that there are various dimensions of economic, industrial, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation between Nepal and Pakistan and both countries should move forward with partnership in progress and development. Both countries have been respecting the principles of independence, sovereignty, and non-interference. Both countries are close because both countries are facing the same problem of climate change, a new issue before the world.

Since there are no geographical boundaries for easy relations between industrialists, traders and people, it seems that there must be direct air contact. For this, the talks between the Pakistani government and Nepal are going on. More than 7,000 Nepalis have benefited from Pakistan in the fields of education, health, military and aviation. This benefit is the benefit of Nepal. It has become more necessary to expand the relationship, not by narrowing it anymore.

It is not too late to activate mechanisms like Pakistan-Nepal Consultative Mechanism, Joint Commission, Joint Task Force on Agriculture and Tourism, Joint Trade Council.

Although Nepal is weak in terms of power and influence, in strategic terms, Nepal’s regional and international role is very important and decisive. The rulers of Nepal are not able to understand this reality or even if they understand it, they are not able to show their status? It has been a matter of surprise. However, Pakistan’s role can be effective for the political balance of South Asia. Moreover, the presence of Pakistan in Nepal is mandatory.